TRB PG-ZOOLOGY Question Answers most expected

TRB PG-ZOOLOGY Most expected question from educational institute.

1. Which phycum has highest number of Species?
A) Protozoa B) Porifera C) Arthropoda D) Mollus

2. Platyhelminthes are commonly called
A) round worm B) flatworm C) blindworm D) tubiculous worm

3. Which groups includes all marine animals?
A) Mollusca B) Porifera C) Echinodermata D) Cnidaria

4. Classification of protozoa is based on
A) foodvacuole B) Cyststructure
C) Types of locomotory organells D) nabit and habitat

5. The protozoans that cause Malaria in humans are
A) radiolarians B) dinoflagellates C) sporozoan D) ciliates

6. Entamoeba histolytica  is found in man in
A) Colon B) oralcavity C) Stomach D) intestine

7. Trophozoite is
A) The sexual stage of parasite that Produces spores

B) The sexual stage of parasite that produces gamets
C) The adult feeding stage of protozona parasite

D) None of the above

8. Intermediate Host of sleeping sicknessis
A) Sandfly B) tsetsefly C) Anopheles D) Tick

9. Polymorphism is shown by
A) Amoeba B) Paramecium C) Trypanosoma D) Sycon

10. Animal –like nutrition is known as

A) Holophytic B) Holozoic C) Saprophytic D) Parasitic

11. Glossina Palpalis transmits the infective stages of
A) Leishmania B) Trypanosoma C) Plasmodium D) Wuchereria

12. Chagas disease is caused by
A) Try pano soma cruzi B) Try panosoma gambiense
C) Trypanosoma rhodesiensi D) Trypanosoma brucei

13. Infective stage of Entamoeba histolytica is
A) Sporozoite B) Quadrinucleate cyst
C) trophozoite D) Spore 

14. African Sleeping sickness is caused by
A) Try Panosoma B) Entamoeba coli C) Entamoeba histolytica D) Manocystis

15. Schizogony and schizont stage of plasmodium occur in
A) Erythrocytes and liver cells of human beings B) blood of human beings
C) Stomach of human beings D) only liver in human beings

16. Exflagellation in Malarial parasite takes place during the formation of
A) ova B) sperms C) gametocytes D) sporozoite

17. Sporogony of malarial parasite occurs in

A) liver of human beings B) erythrocytes of humanbeings
C) Salivary glands of Mosquito D) Stomach of mosquito

18. Gambian fever is caused by
A) Entamoeba B) Leishmania C) Trichomonas D) Trypanosoma

19. The reservopir host for trypanosome gambiense is
A) rat B) pig C) humanbeing D) pig and ante lops

20. The cell drinking Phenomenon is termed as
A) ingestion B) pinocytosis C) circumfluence D) Circumvallation

21. Flat worms are
A) diploblastic B) Triploblastic C) monoblastic D) None of these

22. Flame cells help in
A) excretion B) digestion C) respiration D) reproduction

23. Schistosoma is a parasite found in
A) lungs B) intestine C) liver D) blood

24. Fasciola hepatica is
A) freeliving B) ectoparasite
C) endoparasite D) ecto and endoparasite

25. Fasciola hepatica lives in the
A) intestine of sheep B) liver of sheep
C) spleen of sheep D) pancreas of sheep

26. The causative agent of liver rot in sheep is
A) Dugesia B) Fasciola C) Taenia D) Schisto soma

27. Fasciola hepatica is not affected by enzyme of host because of
A) cuticle B) suckers C) epidermis D) hooks

28. The first larval from in liver fluke is
A) redia B) metacercaria C) Miracidium D) cercaria

29. The last infective larval form of Fasciola hepatica is
A) Miracidium B) sporocyst C) metacercaria D) redia

30. In Fasciola, germ balls of redia give rise to
A) daughter sporocyst B) daughter cercaria C) daughter redia D) Metacercaria

31. In fasciola, Miracidium develops into the next stage inside
A) Bulinus B) Limnaea truncatula C) pilaglobosa D) Planorbis

32. Larva of Fasciola hepatica that bores into snail is
A) cercaria B) hexacanth C) Miracidium D) redia

33. Liver fluke has
A) Self fertilization B) cross fertilization C) both of these D) none of these

34. The Intermediate Host in the case of liver fluke is
A) Human beings B) Pig C) fly D) Snail

35. Laurer’s canal is present in
A) Taenia B) Ascaris C) Cockroach D) Fasciola

36. Which of the following larval stage of Fasciola does not produce several larvae
A) Secondary redia B) Primary redia C) Sporocyst D) cercaria

37. Fasciola has
A) Intestinal gland B) Gastric gland C) Pharyngeal gland D) Saivary gland

38. Correct sequence of larval stages during development of fasciola is
A) Redia, cercaria, Metacercaria and sporocyst
B) Miracidium, sporocyst, Redia, Cercatia and Meta cercaria
C) Cercaria, Miracidum, sporocyst and metacercaria
D) Miracidum, Redia, Sporocyst and Metacercaria

39. Liver fluke belongs to class
A) Cestoda B) Nematoda C) Trematoda D) Turbellaria

40. Which of the following infects the snail in life cycle of fasciola?
A) Miracidium B) Redia C) Metacercaria D) Cercaria

41. During its life cycle, Fasciola hepatica infects its intermediate host and primary host at the following larval stages
A) Cercaria and redia B) Redia and miracidium
C) Miracidium and metacercaria D)  Metacercaria and cercaria

42. The stage of life history of the liver fluke when it infects the primary host is
A) Cysticercus B) Sporocyst C) Redial D) Cercaric

43. Contractile vacuole  in protozoans serres the function of
A) Respiration B) Osmoregulation C) Excretion D) digestion

44. Contractile vacuoles are present in
A) All Protozoans B)  Parasitic protozoans
C) Marine protozoans D)  Freshwater protozoans

45. The representatives of class sporozoa of phylum protozoa are generally characterized by
A) Chlorophyll B) Flagella C) cilia D) Parasitism

46. In which group the locomotory organells are absent?
A) Ciliata B) Flagellata C) Rhizopoda D) Sporozoa

47. Which class of protozoa contains ancestors of all animals?
A) Sarcodina B) Mastigophora C) Sporozoa D) Ciliaba

48. which of the following class of protozoa is exclusively endoparasitic?
A) Mastigophora B) Sarcodina C) Opalianata D) Sporozoa

49. Basic unit of taxonomy is
A) Genus B) Order C) Family D) Species 50. The suffix “idea” is used after
A) Division B) Order C) Family D) Genus


1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. C 8.
B 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. A
15. A 16. A 17. D 18. D 19. D

20. B 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. B
26. B 27. A 28. C 29. C 30. C 31. B
32. C 33. B 34. D 35. D 36. D 37. C
38. B 39. C 40. A 41. C 42. C
43. B 44. D 45. D 46. D 47. B 48. D

49. D 50. C 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.

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