PG TRB Preparation Zoology Questions with Answers CARBOHYDRATE Part - 17

276 . Name the diabetogenic hormone secreted from adrenal medulla?

                   Answer :Adrenaline or epinephrine

277 . What are the hormones secreted from pituitary control blood sugar?

                Answer : GH, ACTH, TSH

278 . What is Cori cycle or lactic acid cycle?

                 Answer : The cycle by which lactic acid enter the liver and forms blood glucose, and again lactic acid is called Cori cycle.

279 . What is the normal amount of glucose in the urine?

                   Answer : Negligible

280 . Renal tubule absorb glucose by ____________ mechanism.

               Answer : Phosphorylation

281 . In which region synthesis of fat from carbohydrate takesplace?

             Answer : Adipose tissue and mammary gland

282 . What hormone is essential for the synthesis of fat from carbohydrate ?

                  Answer : Insulin

283 . What test is used to detect urine glucose?

                Answer : Benedict’s reduction test

284 . What is the renal threshold value for glucose, beyond which glucose appears in the urine?

              Answer : 160 to 180 ( varies )

285 . What are the two conditions by which glycosuria can occur?

                 Answer : 1. Hyperglycemia     2. Normoglycemia

286 . What are the reasons for glycosuria in hyperglycemia?

                  Answer : 1. Decreased secretion of insulin       2. Hyper activity of the hormones of the anterior pituitary,  adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, thyroid.

287 . What are the reasons for glycosuria in  normoglycemia?

                  Answer : 1. Physiological causes       2. Hereditary causes

288 . What are the physiological causes for normoglycemia?

                 Answer : 1. Alimentary glycosuria                             2. Emotional glycosuria                                                                                                 3. Glycosuria in pregnancy                  4. Lactating glycosuria

289 . Explain emotional glycosuria .

       Answer : Transient hyperglycemia causing glycosuria may follow emotional factors like fear, anger and anxiety.

290 . What is the reason for renal glycosuria?

                  Answer : The defect in the renal tubular enzyme mechanism which is responsible for reabsorption of glucose. Deficiency of the enzyme causes impairment in the capacity to reabsorb             glucose from the filtered urine.

291 . Give  one example for hereditary defect.

                Answer : Hereditary glycosuria

292 . Which blood is collected for Oral Glucose Tolerance Test?

               Answer : Venous blood

293 . Which test is used to test glucose in the urine in Oral Glucose Tolerance Test?

                 Answer : Benedict’s test

294 . What is the normal fasting blood sugar level in normal GTT ( Glucose Tolerance Test )  curve?

                 Answer : Between 80 and 90 mg %

295 . What is the amount of glucose present in normal GTT curve?

          Answer : Glucose is not present in the urine

296 . What is the fasting blood sugar level in diabetes mellitus patient GTT ( Glucose Tolerance Test )  curve?

               Answer : Above 100 mg %

297 . In the GTT curve the descending limb is slightly prolonged to the right side shows ___________

                 Answer : Mild diabetes

298 . What is the meaning of the word “ Diabetes “ ?

               Answer : “ Diabetes “ means chronic excretion of excessive volume of urine .

299 . What is the meaning of the word “ Mellitus “ ?

                  Answer : “ Mellitus “ means honey

300 . What is the meaning of the word “ Diabetes Mellitus “ ?

                 Answer : The word  “ Diabetes Mellitus “ refers to chronic excretion of large volume of urine containing  glucose.


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