PG TRB Preparation Zoology Questions with Answers CARBOHYDRATE Part - 18

301 . Give the characteristic features of diabetes mellitus

                Answer : 1.Glycosuria      2. Hyperglycemia              3. Decreased glucose tolerance

302 . Define polyuria

              Answer : Polyuria means excretion of increased quantity of urine. ( atleast 2.5 litres per day )

303 . What is polydipsia?

                    Polydipsia means excessive thirst which leads to increased consumption of water.

304 . What is polyphagia?

                 Answer : Polyphagia means excessive appetite leads to increased intake of food.

305 . What is the other name for type 1 diabetes ?

                Answer : Juvenile diabetes

306 . Type 1 diabetes is called insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM ). Why?

              Answer : This disease require insulin to control hyperglycemia

307 . Which is called non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus ( NIDDM )?

    Answer : Type 11

308 . Type 11 or NIDDM is also known as ______________

               Answer :  Maturity onset diabetes mellitus

309 . Which type of diabetes mellitus  usually appears in childhood or in younger age group?

                 Answer : Type 1  or IDDM

310 . In Type 1  or IDDM patients insulin is either absent or nearly absent . Why?

              Answer : Because of defective β cells in the pancreas.

311 . Which type of diabetes usually occurs in middle age and obese persons?

                  Answer : Type 11 or NIDDM

312 . Which type of diabetes patients do not develop ketoacidosis?

       Answer : Type 11 or NIDDM

313 . What is the reason for Type 11 or NIDDM ?

                Answer : Decreased number of insulin receptors ( cells responding to insulin and to which insulin binds , located on the plasma membrane )

314 . In which region insulin receptors are present?

                Answer  : Insulin receptors are present on the plasma membrane of the cell  (responding to insulin and to which insulin binds )

315 . List out glycogen storage diseases.

                Answer : Von Gierke’s disease , Pompe’s disease , Coris disease , Andersen’s disease ,                 Mc Ardle’s ,   Her’s disease .

316 . What is ketonuria?

                 Answer :  When there is lack of insulin hexokinase reaction is retarded . As a result blood glucose increases . Glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid cycle are subsequently retarded . Oxidation of fat increases which inturn produce excess amount of acetyl – CoA . Condensation of acetyl CoA  molecules produce excess amount of ketone bodies. So ketone bodies are excreted in the urine . This is called ketonuria.

317 . Fructose is converted into fructose – 1 – phosphate by __________

               Answer : Phosphorylation ( wiyh ATP )

318 . Which enzyme catalyse the conversion of fructose to fructose – 1 – phosphate ?

                Answer : Fructokinase

319 . Which enzyme split fructose – 1 – phosphate to trioses, free aldehyde and dihydroxy acetone phosphate?

                 Answer : Aldolase

320 . In fructose metabolism fructose – 1 – phosphate is phosphorylated  to form _____________

                Answer :Fructose – 1 -6 –diphosphate

321 . What is the reason for fructosuria?

                 Answer :Reason for fructosuria is lack of fructokinase .Which convert fructose to  fructose – 1 – phosphate .This leads to accumulation of fructose in blood and excretion in urine.

322 . Which enzyme catalyse the phosphorylation of galactose to galactose – 1 – phosphate?

                 Answer : Galactokinase

323 . Which one act as coenzyme in the conversion of galactose – 1 – phosphate to glucose – 1 – phosphate?

        Answer : Uridine diphosphate glucose ( UDP – G)

324 . Which enzyme  convert  galactose – 1 – phosphate to glucose – 1 – phosphate?

                 Answer : Galactose – 1 – phosphate – uridyl transferase

325 . What is the other name for epimerase enzyme?

                 Answer : Galacto – Waldenase


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