TRB Preparation Zoology CARBOHYDRATE Part-4

21 . In free state fructose exist in pyranose form . when combined with natural  product it exist in _________   form .
         Answer :  Furanose

22 . The milk sugar consist   of  __________  and  ___________
          Answer :  Galactose, glucose

23 . Fructose is obtained  by  hydrolysis of  _____________
          Answer : Cane sugar and  inulin

24 . The non carbohydrate  group    of  glucoside   is called  ______________
          Answer : Aglycon

25 . The monosaccharide react with alcohol    in the presence  of HCL  and form  . _____________
          Answer :  Glucosides

26 . The compound containing  a monosaccharide  and a  non -  carbohydrate   is called  ____________
           Answer :  Glucosides

27 . Which hexose is the constituent of    glycolipid  ?
           Answer :  Galactose

28 . Which monosaccharide is present abundantly  in the nervous system is ?
            Answer : Galactose

29 . The reducing sugar is ____________
            Answer : Galactose   ( because it has a free aldehyde  group  at carbon atom one  )

30 . Which sugar is not fermented by yeast ?
             Answer : Galactose

31 . Which  carbohydrate  is the constituent of the prosthetic polysaccharide of  albumin , globulin  and  mucoids ?
              Answer : Mannose

32 . What  are the biologically important  pentoses ?
           Answer : Ribose  and  deoxyribose

33 . The constituent of  nuclei acids are  _______________
           Answer : Pentoses 

34 . Compared to ribose  how many oxygen atoms are less in deoxyribose ?
             Answer :   One

35 . Xylulose  is also called  ketoxylulose . Why ?
            Answer :  Because it has a ketone group

36 . The metabolite of glucuronic acid is  _______________
             Answer :  Xylulose

37 . Which sugar is excreted in the urine of  persons suffering from pentosuria   ?
               Answer :  Xylulose   ( Pentose )

38 . The pentose sugar found in plants  are  _________________
             Answer : Arabinose

39 . Which heptose  occurs as an intermediate  in the oxidative  shunt pathway of carbohydrate metabolism ?
             Answer : Sedoheptulose

40 . The simplest  glucoside  is _______________
              Answer : Methyl glucoside

41 . Give the formation of Methyl glucoside  .
               Answer :  Methyl glucoside  is formed  when a solution of glucose in boiling  methyl alcohol  is treated   with  0.5 %  HCL as a catalyst .

42 . Which is not complex   glucoside ?
             Answer : Methyl glucoside 


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