TRB Preparation Zoology CARBOHYDRATE Part - 12

176 . What ions are essential for the conversion of oxalosuccinate to   α - ketoglutarate?
               Answer : Mn++

177 . What are the cofactors are essential for the conversion of  α - ketoglutarate to succinate?
               Answer : TPP, lipoic acid, NAD, FAD, CoA and  mg ++ ions.

178 . Which one inhibit the conversion of  α - ketoglutarate to succinate?
               Answer : Arsenite

179 . What enzyme is essential for the conversion of succinyl  - CoA  into succinic acid?
              Answer : Succinate thiokinase ( in the presence of inorganic phosphate and GDP )

180 .Give the formation of fumarate in citric acid cycle.
            Answer : Succinate dehydrogenated to form fumarate

181 . How many molecules of NAD are reduced to NADH2 in glycolysis?
           Answer : Two molecules

182 . Complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose yield _____________ calories of energy.
          Answer : 686,000   ( 57,000 calories in glycolysis , 629,000 calories in oxidative phase )

183 . How many high energy phosphate bonds are generated for each molecule of glucose undergoing oxidation to CO2 and H2O?
             Answer : 38

184 . Each high energy phosphate bond is equivalent to ____________ calories.
            Answer : 7,500

185 . Give the total energy captured in ATP during oxidation of one molecule of glucose
             Answer : 285,000 calories

186 . How many ATP molecules are produced during glycolysis and citric acid cycle ?
               Answer : 32

187 . How many ATP molecules are produced in  glycolysis?
              Answer : Eight

188 . How many ATP molecules are produced during citric acid cycle ?
               Answer : 24

189 . How many ATP molecules are produced during  the conversion of  pyruvate to acetyl – CoA?
            Answer : Six

190 . How many ATP molecules are generated from oxidation of one molecule of glucose?
               Answer : 38

191 . What is the function of liver in the conversion of lactic acid formed during muscular exercise?
               Answer : Liver convert lactic acid into liver glycogen and blood glucose via Cori cycle.

192 . Which B complex vitamin is essential for the conversion of pyruvic acid into oxaloacetic acid?
              Answer : Biotin

193 . What are the other names for HMP shunt pathway?
               Answer : Oxidative shunt or pentose shunt pathway or Warburgh – Dickens – Lipmann pathway

194 .What is the importance of HMP shunt pathway?
             Answer : Generates NADPH which is necessary for the formation of glutathione in reduced state.

195 . Which is required to maintain the integrity of the red cell membrane?

              Answer :  Glutathione


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